West Portal Elementary School
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West Portal Elementary School
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Help Support the
Greening Committee!

Greening Committee Fundraiser
Green Zebra Coupon Books
$25 for a comprehensive guide to natural living around the SF Bay Area, as well as over $12,000 in savings!

Be sure your order form has WPS209 as the organization code.

Greening Committee

    Our Greening Committee is a dedicated and creative group of teachers, staff and parents who are helping to transform our city schoolyard into an outdoor classroom.  We all agree that getting our kids connected with nature is good for them, and good for the planet!

    All elementary schools in San Francisco were given $125,000.00 through a 2003 San Francisco bond measure.  It's a real boon to have this "seed" money to begin our project, and we will be fundraising and grant writing to supplement these funds.

    Our committee is now in the process of selecting a landscape architect to design a plan for action.  If all goes as well, we will begin construction this summer.  In the meantime there is much to be done.  If you are interested in being involved, we are looking for you!

    We have purchased some 1/2 wine barrel planters to give to each of the classrooms to begin our project and get the greening started. We hope to start some  garden work days  on Tuesdays, after the winter break.  These will involve getting the planters ready and filled with dirt for the classrooms.  If you can join us, we can use you!

    We'll also be looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, grant writing, and "grunt work" when the time comes.  Anyone interested in knowing more can let me know by email, note, or phone call.

    Hope to hear from you soon!
    Your gardening coordinator,
    Amy Mack

Map of SFUSD school gardens
Click for larger image

map of school gardens


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This page last updated March 29, 2007
Many thanks to www.dekluge.com for hosting our school's site!