West Portal Elementary School
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West Portal School
Chinese Immersion Program

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
San Francisco Unified School District's First Bilingual and Cultural Cantonese Education Program
Founded in 1984

The Value of Immersion Education

Immersion education is an innovative early-learning program in which children develop the ability to speak, read and write in a second language.

Knowledge of more than one language and culture will enable our children to fully participate in a culturally diverse society and an increasingly global economy.  Over 30 years of research on immersion programs in North America reveal that bilingual education enhances long-term academic and social development and that students consistently achieve short-term goals defined by the program.  The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) offers more than half a dozen elementary and middle school immersion programs in languages hat include Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

The Chinese Immersion Education school curriculum (math, science, social studies, etc.) is taught primarily in Cantonese during grades K - 3, with an increase in English instructional time during the 4th and 5th grades.   The program goals are to:

  • Develop fluency and literacy in Chinese and English.
  • Fulfill all requirements for graduation and promotion to immersion programs offered at SFUSD middle school.
  • Instill a love of learning.
  • Encourage development of the whole child through music, movement, athletics and arts.

The Chinese Immersion Program (CIP) at West Portal

As one of the top five elementary schools in the SFUSD, West Portal's CIP has a distinct advantage of participating fully in academic, enrichment and activity programs offered at the school. Native speaking teachers emphasize the use of Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  DAP teaching employs a diverse learning environment that offers choices and develops strategic thinking skills while recognizing individual learning styles.

Our teachers and administrators create a caring, stimulating and supportive environment to learn.  Our families feel connected to our school community and our children thrive academically and socially as we work together toward excellence.  As a Model School, educators and academic institutions visit, observe and learn from our exemplary programs.

Quick Facts About Our Program

Achieving Excellence

West Portal's CIP students rank among the District's top performers at their grade level. Current School Accountability Report Cards and standardized test scores are posted online at www.SFUSD.com.

Instructional Time
Kindergarten & 1st Grades
2nd & 3rd Grades
4th & 5th Grades

Classroom Size

CIP Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes average 20 students ad are balanced with an equal number of English, bilingual and Chinese speaking children.

Chinese Homework

Parents can provide support and encouragement for homework, without direct teaching, by ensuring that their children have a quiet place to study and the necessary tools.  Children are encouraged to phone each other for help on Chinese homework, a practice that promotes independence as well as their Chinese.  Our onsite care provider, West Portal C.A.R.E., has Chinese- bilingual staff who also provide support during study time.

Evaluating Your Child's Progress

Immersion teachers are bilingual and hold regular telephone and classroom conferences with parents.  Frequent memos and email help ensure that parents are up to date with the curriculum and classroom activities.

Parent Participation

Parents and guardians represent our most valuable resource and their involvement is vital to the success of the school.  Parents help in the classrooms, work on special events such as the Lunar New Year Parade and serve on the board of the Parents' Club.  Fundraising by parents helps provide enrichment activities, instructional materials and improvements to the facility like the renovation of our school library.

Click HERE for a copy of the Chinese Immersion Program Media Packet in PDF format.

West Portal has eight CIP classrooms: 11, 14, 17, 21, 25, 31, 32, & 36

Click HERE to go to the Parents for Immersion Education (PIE) site.

If you have further inquiries regarding the program, please contact West Portal School.

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This page last updated March 26, 2007
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