October 2008
Thank you ·
Maureen O'Brien, Annette Litle and Amy Mack
for donating so generously of their time and amazing green thumbs over the
summer. The garden areas are truly transformed. ·
Maureen O'Brien for coordinating the
Kinder Fun Day and Frances Yang
and Holly and Kevin Anderson for the fabulous activities. The kids really
enjoyed them. Thanks also to Hannah
Freeman for coordinating the
t-shirt sales at the event. ·
Christine LaChappelle for the wonderful
welcome sign and the First Day Coffee flyers. ·
Sandra Kwock- Lee for all her work in obtaining
a $2,000 grant from PG&E. What a way to start the year off right. Halloween Carnival You are all invited to
attend the West Portal Halloween Carnival on Sunday, October 26th from
Noon-4:00pm. This is a great event for the whole family to enjoy games, eerie
edibles, fun filled family activities and much more. If you are looking for a
way to help our school, please sign up and volunteer. Look for sign up sheets
and more information in your child’s message folders. If you have gently used
or new stuffed animals, leftover party favors or unopened toys or games that
are appropriate as prizes, please save them for the carnival. Boxes will be
placed outside the main office in October for prize donations. Please make
sure donations are clean and grade school age appropriate. If you have any
questions, please contact Justine Moore
at 759-8005 or Joanne Hong at
Createfun4kids@gmail.com Calendar October 2 Parent Club Board mtg. 6:30 pm October 7 School Site Council Mtg. 4:30pm October 13 Columbus Day, No School October 17 Pumpkin Patch October 20-24 Parent-Teacher Conference
Week One Hour Early Dismissal October 26 Halloween Carnival Noon -4pm eSCRIP Update A big thank you to all of
the families who signed up for eSCRIP at Back to School Night. If you haven’t
signed up yet, here’s why you should: West Portal School
receives money from eScrip when parents and family members just swipe registered credit/debit
and grocery loyalty cards at participating
merchants. Many successful San Francisco public schools make the bulk of
their money through eSCRIP-
which cuts down on the number of other
fundraising activities they need to do. West Portal can do it too, but we
need your help. We still need more families to sign up for eSCRIP if we want to
make it an effective fundraiser. It's safe, secure and
confidential. You will get regular email updates
from eSCRIP about special deals and information about how to make the dollars you spend help
the school. Do my credit/debit cards
make a difference? ;Absolutely.
On average, eScrip members who register credit/debit cards to the program
earn 50% more for their school than members who only register a grocery
loyalty card. There is no sign up fee. So parents (and grandparents) sign up
so that West Portal can continue to benefit from
this program. Thank you for your participation. To get started, go to www.escrip.com Our school's eSCRIP group
name is: West Portal Parent's Club. Here's how
eSCRIP works: 1. You register any one
or all of your existing grocery loyalty, debit
and credit cards for use in the program; 2. Participating
merchants make contributions to West Portal School, based on purchases made by you, just by using the
cards you’ve registered; 3. Your purchases are
tracked and available to you online, allowing you to see just how much you Are earning on your
child’s behalf; 4. It costs you nothing. It is free. . Techs Wanted West Portal Elementary
School needs Tech Savvy parents/guardians to volunteer for our Tech
Committee. If you would like to help, please email Principal Will Lucey at luceyw@sfusd.edu Library Volunteers Needed The library is looking
for volunteers to shelve books and put book titles into the computer program.
If you are interested, please contact Colette
Lafia, Librarian at 759-2846.
Thank you. |
Chinese Immersion Program Enrichment Committee
Meetings Parents are encouraged
to attend the monthly CIPEC meetings to: · Learn about Chinese Immersion Education · Learn how to support our children learning
Chinese and English · Partner with the staff to add to the positive
learning environment at West Portal · Get to know one another Surveys are being
handed out to CIP families to find out what your expectations are for the
meetings. Topics for future meetings include the middle school process and
workshops about stroke order presented by the teachers. If there are other
concerns or ideas you’d like to share, please include them in the survey. Flyers
will be distributed in the message folders for the October meeting. Let’s
continue to support our children in achieving a positive learning experience. Email A.J.
Chang at changanada@hotmail.com with questions or additional agenda
items. Chinese Performing Arts Program All West Portal students
are invited to participate in the 2008-09 Chinese Arts Program. This program
has been active at West Portal school for nineteen plus years. Originally
created to participate in the SF Chinese New Year’s Parade, in recent years
we have expanded our scope to perform in other venues; the SF St. Patrick’s
Day Parade, Asian Art Museum events, and Oakland Chinatown Festivals to name
a few. Last year, with the help of many adult volunteers, over 150 West
Portal School students and alumni participated in SF Chinese New Year’s Parade.
Throughout the year as a community, we had a great time, made new friends,
got to spend some valuable time with our kids and kept Chinese Performance
Arts alive. The Chinese New year Parade is on Feb. 7, 2009. If you have any
questions, please contact Jennie
Chan-Lee at 664-1836 or
Beaniejll@aol.com 3 School Site Council Seats Open The Site Council works
directly with Principal Lucey to
set the Academic Plan for our school. If you are interested in helping the
school in a truly meaningful way, please consider running for this important
position. If interested, contact Principal
Lucey at luceyw@sfusd.edu as soon
as possible. Reminders · Please notify the school at 759-2846 if your child is going to be absent or late. This is
important for attendance purposes. Please notify your child’s teacher before
school if pick up arrangements change. · Message folders are sent home every Thursday.
Please review its contents and return any forms if necessary back to the
teacher. · Forms for the West Portal School Wide Directory
were sent out. Please return it to your teacher by October 17 if you want
your information included. Please contact
Evelyn Collins at
ejcoll@pacbell.net for any questions regarding the school wide directory and Phyllis Moir at pdmoir@aol.com for
the Chinese Immersion Program directory. · Volunteer opportunities exist in the classrooms,
at school and from home. Visit our website at www.westportalschool.com for
more about upcoming activities and opportunities. Questions about the website,
please contact Tony Moir at 716-7108, tony.moir@gmail.com or Dawn Silberstein at
dawnas@pacbell.net, 867-7654. Green Notes We are looking for
volunteers to assist in the creation of a school Peace Garden. Volunteers
will work directly with a small group of students and their teachers during
regular school hours. No gardening experience is needed just your commitment
to an 8 week class schedule. Please contact Amy Mack (garden coordinator), at 577-0989 if you have any questions. Community Notes The Traffic Safety
Committee needs your help. Please take a moment to call the City's
Traffic Engineer, Jack Lucero Fleck,
at 415-701-4500 to
express you concern about traffic safety at West Portal Elementary
School. The Traffic Safety Committee is currently trying to work with
the city to obtain a cross-walk and four-way stop at the
intersections of Taraval and Lenox and at Claremont and Alston. Your
help in expressing your concerns to the City Engineer will help to insure
that this process continues to move forward. Thank you. West Portal Parents
Club Bulletin Editors:
Tony and Phyllis Moir (Finn Moir, Alumni, and Tighe Moir, 1st
grade,CIP). Email
submissions to tony.moir@gmail.com and pdmoir@aol.com