FLAG Grant

Who are we and what is our mission?

What are the members' benefits?

Who can become a member?

What is the cost?

Links to related sites

Bilingual Task Force Report


Next meeting will be:
Tuesday, November  9, 6:30 PM
Herbert Hoover Middle School
2290-14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA


Click HERE for directions to Hoover.

Click HERE for your PDF application form

Who are we and what is our mission?

Parents for Immersion Education (PIE) is a non-profit organization established in 1987. Our mission is to provide support, advocacy and conduct activities that promote second language learning and successful articulation of language and bilingual education in San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). Currently, PIE's main focus is the enhancement of immersion programs at the district level. We also work with parents and staff at elementary and high schools (i.e., feeder schools) to ensure successful articulation of the immersion programs at Hoover Middle School.

Some of our successes include:

  • Worked with and lobbied the San Francisco Board of Education to pass the Language Immersion Programs Resolution in November 1999. This resolution supports and directs the Superintendent to:
  1. Facilitate successful articulation of a world language program between the elementary and secondary school level.
  2. Maintain the current language immersion continuation programs in place at Hoover and James Lick Middle Schools; and
  3. Support the expansion of language immersion programs at all levels throughout the District.
  • Advocated and assisted the Hoover Chinese Immersion Program staff in getting classroom text books/materials to the students, and adequate staffing for 2002 - 2003.
  • Wrote and received a grant for Hoover's Chinese Immersion Program for 2003 - 2003

Meetings are held every month in the evening at Hoover Middle School, Room A12B, located at 14th Avenue & Santiago. All interested parents/ guardians are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Lau at (415) 648-2858, or e-mail: linda0702@yahoo.com

What are the members' benefits?

  • Be a voice in making changes and improving the quality of education for students. Help make a difference in your child's education.

  • Collaborate and work with immersion/bilingual teachers as a team

  • Stay informed and learn about community resources

  • Share ideas and get support from other families

  • Build new skills and friendships

Who can become a member?
There are two types of membership, regular and associate. Regular membership is limited to the parents of legal guardians of children currently enrolled in language or immersion programs in SFUSD. Any other person 18 years or older, dedicated to the purposes of PIE is eligible for associate membership. Only regular members are eligible to vote for Directors or amend the bylaws. In all other respects, regular and associate members shall have equal rights.

What is the cost?
The annual membership fee is $2.00 per person, which helps to cover operation and mailing costs.

Links to Immersion and Bilingual program schools:

West Portal Elementary School       Buena Vista Elementary School

    Clarendon Elementary School           Alice Fong Yu Elementary School

  Herbert Hoover Middle School             Marina Middle School            

          Lincoln High School            James Lick Middle School

Fairmount Elementary School

The Report of the San Francisco Unified School
District Bilingual Education Task Force

Click HERE for your copy of this report in Adobe PDF format.  The Adobe Acrobat reader is most likely already on your computer but if it isn't, you can get a free reader HERE. The PDF file is approximately 597K. I can also copy this file onto a 31/2 inch floppy but that would only work for PCs.  If you download it from this site you can get the file into any computer.


This information updated November 9, 2004