Central Sites
Adventures in The Learning Web A central site for all interesting topics.
SCORE The largest source for primary grade WebQuest.
Frank Potter's Science Gems For students, parents, teachers, scientists, engineers and mathematicians. More than 14,000 Science Resources sorted by Category, Subcategory, and Grade Level
Blue Web'n This is an outstanding collection of the very best curriculum experiences for students. Each is carefully reviewed brfore receiving a Blue Web'n lue ibbon. There is also a searchable data base so you can find exactly the resources you require.
Web66 is a location where you could find web pages and e-mail addresses for schools from around the world.
Lessons and Activities for Science Use science topic words to find web sites with lesson plans and activities. 
Social Studies (general) History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers K-12 Sources - Curriculum - Lesson Plans
700+Great Sites Amazing, Spectacular, Mysterious, Wonderful Web Sites for Kids and the Adults Who Care About Them.
K-5 Cybertrail: Multicultural Curriculum Resources This Web resource includes an exposition on linking literature with learning, with an extensive bibliography of additional resources. The site also features a bibliography of multicultural children's literature. 
African American Culture Multi-Cultural Paths: African American Resources This site contains lots of link to resources.
Busy Teachers' Web Site  Just what it says! If you are busy, stop by. Great locations to wonderful sites organized by subject area.
KidsConnect  If your students really like to ask challenging questions about the Internet, here is the resource for you and for them. KidsConnect is a question-answering, help and referral service for K-12 students using the Internet. The goal of the service is to help students access and use the information available on the Internet effectively and efficiently. KidsConnect is a component of ICONnect, a technology initiative from the American Association of School Librarians. Many students are using this service to assist with homework assignments!
Library Services From the Library of Congress. There are activities, educator's program, lesson ideas, and research tools.
Fifteen different projects and can be found at Amsterdam Social Studies Projects  Fifth - sixth grade projects.
Excite: Regions  Have your students start here to take tours of various countries and cities around the world. They travel by clicking on the location of the map they wish to visit and, once they arrive, find pictures, information about that location, and links to other sites with more information about their travel destination. A great initial activity to orient your students to the WWW. Formerly called Virtual Tourist II.
MapQuest  This is one of the better interactive map services on the WWW. Your students can explore maps of nearly any region, right down to locating their own home on a map of your city. This is a wonderful location to develop map reading skills with your students as you study different regions. Set a bookmark!
National Council for the Social Studies  National Council for the Social Studies This home page for the major professional organization devoted to social studies education contains a nice set of links organized around the ten themes for the Curriculum Standards for Social Studies.
Nova Online/Pyramids: The Inside Story  Nova Online/Pyramids: The Inside Story Take a guided tour inside the great pyramids of Giza, read about the history of these magnificent wonders, share the recent discoveries of archeologists, and come away with a new appreciation for the accomplishments of this ancient civilization. A great site for any class studying ancient Egypt.
The Smithsonian Home Page  The Smithsonian Institution calls itself "The nation's treasure house for learning." This site certain does it justice. Many outstanding links to the wonderful resources of this fine institution.
Zoom School  A wealth of information on a theme of the month and past themes. Themes posted include USA, Africa, Japan and more are coming. You will find links to pages of information about the animals, flags, folk tales, government, climate, and games. Information is well done and easy to read. Great resource and building.

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