Blooming Flowers of Flores | A retelling, with student drawn pictures, of this traditional Indonesian folk tale about the beautiful princess Wongarunu and the handsome Ladomanu. This story would be fun to compare with Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. |
Three Little Pigs: A "Tail" to Tell | In this activity, first or second grade students gain in cultural literacy and perspective taking from different versions of the Three Little Pigs story. They also learn basic information literacy skills by analyzing the elements and sequence of the story on a storyboard. |
Farms | This is a literature-based unit, and will include activities related to the focus books. The goal of this unit is to demonstrate to the students how reading literature can be fun and related to real life. |
Myths and fables from around the world. | It has many great pourquoi tales with wonderfully illustrated pages. |
Children's Stories | Some of the stories are read out loud. |
CyberGuide | Here, you will find an extensive set of lesson plans, instructional ideas, links to other Web resources, and suggestions for how to use these resources. |
Online Autumn | Young students will write original poems, stories, create graphic organizers, etc. about an aspect of autumn. Every class in this project will have student work published on a separate web page. In addition to the writing materials, each class is invited to submit some student illustrations. The class URL or e-mail address will be posted on the page. Participants are encouraged to share their assessment tools with the rest of the group. |
The author page | Have students visit The Author Page at the Internet Public Library. This site provides biographies and interviews with many popular authors of childrens and adolescent literature. |
Literature (all ages) Childrens Literature Web Guide | Internet resources related to books for children and young adults. |
Minds Eye Monster Project | Useful for primary grade classrooms. Classrooms and students are matched. Then one student draws a monster and writes a detailed description. The description is sent to the students partner who must draw the monster from the description. Then, both pictures are posted in the monster gallery. Both reading and writing skills are supported. Much fun! |
The Encyclopedia Mythica | An encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and legend. |
The Little Red Riding Hood Project | This is a text and image archive containing sixteen English versions of the fairy tale. The Little Red Riding Hoods presented here represent some of the more common varieties of the tale from the English-speaking world in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries. |
Folklore, Myth and Legend | This is a big collection! |
Cyberkids | Click on Learning Center to find some sites where you can find online tutoring, help with homework, and scholarships. Click on Creative Work to find literature to read. |
Ask the Author | This is where you can learn about some of your favorite authors, plus read their answers to questions that kids like you asked. |
Locations On The Internet That Support Young Writers:Inkspot | An award-winning resource and community for writers of all ages and levels of experience. |
For Young Writers | This is the Young Writers' section of Inkspot! |
Project and Cinderella Stories. |
This is a text and image archive containing a dozen English versions of the fairy tale. The Cinderellas presented here represent some of the more common varieties of the tale from the English-speaking world in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries |
Jan Brett Home Page | You can do all fun activities with this famous author. |
Looney Lobsters Love Regional Literature | This project was desined to help all of the participating classrooms appreciate the many wonderful works of literature from different regions of the world. |
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias | Visit the research shelf at Syracuse University to find links to a variety of resources including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, pronunciation guides, braille typography and much more. |
Eric Carle Web Site | You will know a lot more about this author and his books. |
Multicultural Resources | Here you will find articles about multicultural childrens literature as well as reviews and a host of literature selections organized by cultural groups. It is a real treasure for teachers serious about multicultural literature |
Multicultural Book Review | If you are looking for great multicultural literature selections,
here is a wonderful resource. Many excellent reviews of great literature.
Encourage your students to add their reviews of books they have read,
Readers Theater | This location contains links to locations on the WWW devoted to readers theater. Several locations contain readers theater scripts you can print out and use in your classroom. If you use this instructional method in your class, this is the location for you! |
Be a Web Site Sleuth! | Grades 1-2 - check out some great book and reading sites on some super authors. Pair up as great detective partners working like Nate the Great or Cam Jensen |
Cinco de Mayo WebQuest | Grades 2-3 - This WebQuest concentrates on the holiday Cinco de Mayo and encourages students to explore the rich cultural roots connected to today's current celebrations. |
Fish Features | Grades 2-3 - You and your friends are apprentice marine biologists. You have discovered a new fish never seen before by humankind. Your job is to study your fish's anatomy and make a Hyperstudio presentation to the Fish Anatomy Academy |
Frightened Franklin in the Forest | Grades K-1 - students will learn about making the correct choices regarding safety and why we have rules |
In Search of Stellaluna's Family | help Stellaluna learn more about being a bat |
Quest for Respect with the Grouchy Ladybug | A grouchy ladybug, who is looking for a fight, disrespects everyone she meets. She finally learns good manners and how to respect others. Would you like to help the grouchy ladybug learn about herself and respecting others? It will be your quest to discover the meaning of respect and to become a ladybug expert. |
The World of Puppets | Use the World Wide Web to visit different countries and find out what the puppets are like in each one. Then you will make a puppet and write a play for that puppet. When we're all done, we'll have a puppet show! |
Break Loose With Mother Goose | Mother Goose rhymes will be presented integrating math and science with literature. |
Chicken Little Literacy/Art Lesson | A lesson plan: to engage students in a shared reading experience and enhance their awareness of illustrations/concepts of print/vocabulary/and comprehension development. |
Frog and Toad | A lesson plan: the stories in this book Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel and these activities allow for creative thinking and writing, reading and analysis of characters, affective education, mathematics beyond computation, inventing, geography, biological science and development of research skills. |
Millions of Cats! | A lesson plan: the purpose of this lesson is to develop children's listening and comprehension skills and appreciation of literature. The lesson is designed for a Bilingual/ESL classroom and it is literature based. |
Music Alphabets | A lesson plan: the children in ESL/bilingual use music to learn. We listen to the alphabet song and sing along and hopefully learn faster, more easily, and remember more because of the music. |
Zoo Animal Poetry | A lesson plan: many classes plan trips to the zoo to see the animals. Classes may study the animals in books and read many stories, or write original stories, but to really bring the facts alive using a video camera and poetry is very powerful. This activity was formulated to bring the animals into the classroom and the homes of the students. |
Hangman at Kids Corner |
Here is a fun site for this traditional game. Children select letters as they try toguess the spelling of a word. This is a great place for kids to develop their decoding and spelling talents as they complete an Internet Activity. Invite students to print out their successful work and share it during Internet Workshop. Set a bookmark! |
Annotated Bibliography of Children's Literature focusing on Latino people, history, and culture | This bibliography focuses on books about Latinos. There are two main sections. The first section lists resources, in the form of bibliographies, for librarians, teachers, and parents. Many of these bibliographies are over ten years old, but they are included to provide a more thorough look at this body of literature. The second section lists actual literature for children. It is divided into Picture Books, Fiction, Poetry, and Non-Fiction. The Non-Fiction list includes biographies, reference books, and histories. |
Learning Planet Games | Choose the game and play. Need Shockwave on your machine. Educational games. |
Crossword Puzzles | Pick a topic and review the vocabulary. Fun |
Letters of the Alphabet | Story and fun with letters. |
Alphabet Action | Kindergarten and first graders surfed the Internet to find topics that start with letters of the alphabet. Fun site to see and possible project to repeat. Details and lessons are available at the site. |
Sounds of the World's Animals | Compare how people around the world say the sounds that animals make. Nice section for primary students to compare the spelling of the sounds. Sound samples are on these pages also. |
National Wildlife - Mad Lib | Write stories about a frog, buffalo, whales, whoves and animals in winter. Great fun and good reading. |
Early Literacy Activities | A great collection of activities for supporting early literacy instruction in your classroom. Also a number of nice ideas for assessment of emergent literacy. |
Helping Zip | Zip, a regular Weekly Reader character poses some interaction problems and invites students to write in with solutions. |
Whootie Owl's stories | Stories are Fun, Upbeat, Kid-tested have Positive Messages, and they're Free! |
StoryTime from Book of Virtues | in at Platos Peak, you can write stories about your own life, read stories from other kids and experience some of the best stories from around the world! |
Tortoise and the Hare | This wonderful new version of the Tortoise and the Hare shows what the speedy hare might have been like in the classroom. |
Aesop's Fables | Here is an online collection of over 600 Aesop Fables indexed in a table by title and moral. Included are Real Audio narrations for many of the fables. The site links to some teacher resources as well. |
Children's Songs and Rhymes of All Nations | These rhymes and song lyrics are arranged by continent and by language. Most are printed in both their native language and English. What a wonderful way to learn geography. |
Native American Myths and Legends | This is a large collection of Native American myths and legends organized by geographic location in the U.S.. There are wonderful illustrations and a real sense of listening to the stories first hand. |
Pocahontas | Learn about America's early history in Pocahontas a serialized storybook by Disney. |
Yankee Doodle Rhyme | This rhyme has been traditional for American children since the Revolution. Teachers may learn the meaning behind the words at this site |