Kids Bank  Have fun in this learning website as you explore some of the fundamentals of banking. Learn the basics of banking, and a little about how savings, interest, checking and other banking activities work. 
Math Archives  A good collection of interactive math experiences and free software. 
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics  There are challenging math tasks for every one. 
Lessons and Activities for Math  Use math topic words to find web sites with lesson plans and activities. 
Dr. Math  Have a question? Find the information on this web site. Still cannot solve your problem? Send your question to Dr. Math. He will take care of it. 
Math Forum's Math Lessons & Courses  Math lesson plans organized by topics and by grade levels. There are over 1400 math activities for you to choose. 
Critical Thinking Strategies  A lesson plan that you don't want to skip./H3> 
A New Way to Tell Time  This is a good lesson to use as an introduction to telling time or as a review for older students. It helps to give students a hands on activity. They can visualize and be part of a clock. The lesson may be better suited for smaller classes. 
The Process of Sequencing - A Picture Card Game Activity  The Sequence Card Game allows students to practice the thinking process involved in the sequence of events. It begins with the lowest level visual sequencing and advances to the use of higher level critical thinking. Students work in pairs with teacher direction, but work toward independence with teacher monitoring student's level of progress. 
Time Lines For Telling Time  Understanding time can be very difficult for young children. One way of helping students understand the flow of time is to use time lines. This lesson uses the daily classroom routine to provide a visual and meaningful reinforcement of this concept. 
Elementary Problem of the Week.  Here you can find the current problem of the week and the past few years' problems and solutions. 
Jumpin' Jehosaphat the Counting Sheep  Here is a sheep that will solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems for your younger students. It jumps and counts out the answer, in Sheepese. Much fun! It runs better with Internet Explorer 3.0 or later than with Netscape. 
Kid Klok  Log in and see the time it is now, Pacific Standard Time. You can then enter a time you want the clock to show and it will reset. 
Calendar  You can make a calender between the years 0001 and 4000. Students could find the calender of the year they were born and then see what day of the week they were born on. You could also look up other important events and make a calender for that year. 
Fun Brain Games  These games are not just fun, they are educational too. Lots of math games that can build their math skills 
Math and Music  A lesson plan: students will learn how math and music are related. The students will understand how mathematical addition is applied to music. To help them understand this concept the students will be learning note values in music class the same time the classroom teacher is working on addition. 
Math resources at Canada's School Net  Links to math resources. 
The Noon Day Project Measuring the Circumference of the Earth  A project in which students collaborate with students from other schools throughout the world at roughtly the same time. They measure the length of shadows and estimate the circumference of the earth. 
Best Weather Sample Math WebQuest 1  The students' task will be to define "best weather." Then they will select five possible cities and collect data from weather websites about their weather. They will use this information to select the "best weather" city and present their conclusions in poster format. 

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