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Parents Club

The students of Room 21 got groovy for the Tye-Dye Fund Raiser. 

Money raised will help pay for an excursion to Alcatraz on June 8.

Room 21
Mr. Hansell

New Page! Mount D is alive with the sound of music!


World Maps

Wacky Web Tales

The Tye-Dye project was a fabulous and colorful success.  We could not have done it without the intrepid leadership of Ella's mom, Erika Andrew.  Together with Jennie, Petra, Tricia, Kelly, Joni and our excellent staff of Dye-experts we raised the money necessary and had a ton of fun in the process.

Thank you all for all the wonderful parent support we have enjoyed all year long.  Your help on field trips as chaperones, with in-class projects, the Spring Festival, generous donations, and storytelling mean so much to Mr. H and all the kids.

Our Alcatraz trip is on the calendar for Thursday, June 8. We sail for "The Rock" at 9:30 a.m.

The last week of school, Room 21 will celebrate with the end of the year with a beach trip together with Ms. Nesson and our Little Buddies in Room 2. June 13 we will ride the L street car down to the beach and walk across the Great Highway at Taraval.  Buckets, shovels, frisbees, footballs, soccer balls and more are welcome.   We are planning to have a huge banquet in the sand.  Plan on bringing a dish to share.  All parents and families are invited to join in the fun.



Jessica and Room 21 feel no vertigo in the education tower of the

DeYoung museum overlooking Golden Gate Park   


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This page last updated April 16, 2007