Principal's Podium
5th Grade Promotion Letter
Kindergarten Promotion Letter
Parent Letter May 22, 2008
Parent Letter April 4, 2008
Parent Letter January 24, 2008
Kindergarten Orientation Letter April 16, 2007
STAR Testing Schedule April 9, 2007
School Climate November 13, 2006
Budget Good News October 18, 2006
Construction Update September 25, 2006
Back to School Letter September 7, 2006
First Day Letter August 30, 2006
May 22, 2008
Dear Parents/Guardians of Fifth Graders,
You are cordially invited to attend our Fifth Grade Promotion Exercises on Friday, June 13, 2008 at 10:00 A.M.
There are approximately one hundred fifth grade students. We have a limited seating capacity in our auditorium and are requesting a limit of two adults for each student. In addition, brothers and sisters enrolled in our school are invited guests.
No special attire is required. School clothes are certainly acceptable, but children can and many do dress up for the occasion.
Immediately following the ceremony, parents and students are invited for juice and cookies. Students may leave with their parents if they wish. Please notify the teacher if you are taking your child home and sign out in the office.
We look forward to seeing you on this special, memorable day.
William Lucey, Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians of Kindergarten Students,
Please join us on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 10:45am in the school auditorium for West Portal’s Kindergarten Promotion exercises.
Following the program in the auditorium, you are invited to a celebration in your child’s classroom. Teachers will present their students with their promotion certificates during the classroom festivities.
Dismissal is at our regular time; however, some parents have requested their children leave with them after the promotion activities. Please let your child’s teacher know if you plan to take your child early, and sign out in the office.
Thank you for all your help, support, and encouragement this school year.
William Lucey, Principal
May 22, 2008
Dear West Portal Parents/Guardians,
Campus Clean-Up and Beautification Day
On Saturday, May 31st West Portal School will be conducting a campus clean-up and beautification day from 10am-2pm. We will be spending the day cleaning, beautifying and organizing various areas of the campus. We are looking for volunteers to help. If you are available please just show up anytime between 10am and 2pm. The more help we get, the more we get done. See attached flyer.
Lost and Found
There is a large amount of clothing in the Lost and Found which is located in the metal storage cabinet near the boys’ bathroom on the bottom floor of the main building. These items will be put out along the wall of the auditorium from May 28th through May 29th. On Friday morning, May 30th, the remaining items will be bagged and donated. Please take some time to come by and look to see if any of the items of clothing belong to your child.
Principal for the Day, Isabel Saylor
The winner of the “Principal for the Day” auction item at the Spring Festival in April performed her duties admirably. Principal Isabel Saylor (4th grade) spent the day performing tasks including visiting classrooms, mediating student conflicts, sitting in on meetings, cafeteria/yard duty supervision, making school-wide announcements over the intercom, directing and supervising of Bertha and office staff, and other administrative tasks. Principal Isabel also enjoyed a lunch provided by Assistant Principal Lucey. Third grader, Holly Anderson, will be “Principal for the Day” this Friday, May 23rd. Look out for Principal Anderson roaming the halls.
Will Lucey, Principal
May 15, 2008
Dear West Portal Parents/Guardians,
Red, The 2008 Spring Musical
West Portal School is proud of its long tradition of great musicals and this year is no different. Red, West Portal’s 2008 spring musical, has been in the planning since the early part of the school year. Students, parents and staff have been working hard to prepare for this year’s musical and it promises to be yet another fabulously entertaining show. Show times will be Tuesday, May 20th at 9:30am and 1:15 pm; Wednesday, May 21st at 9:30am and 7:00 pm: and Thursday, May 22nd at 7:00 pm. Doors for all performances will open 15 minutes before show time. Due to the fact that the two night performances are usually crowded, family and friends may choose and are welcome to come to any of the day performances.
Much to Appreciate on Ability Awareness Day
It was a wonderful day this past Friday at West Portal where all 548 students participated in an Ability Awareness Day. Students participated in activities that gave them an appreciation of what students with various learning challenges have to overcome and how they over come them. Many were involved in making this great event a positive, fun, learning experience for the students. A big thank you goes to Lauren Tobin who spearheaded the whole event and Marge Fujikawa, Madeline Cabading, Holly Baird, Katie Roe and Claudio Moreno who helped it run smoothly. Thank you to Joanne Woo, Ellie Lee, Jean Bishop, Michelle Strickland, Cindy Neeley, Kara Bidstrup, Annie Sein, Luiselle Yakas, Sarah Liljedahl, Eileen Klafter and Rolf Keltner who hosted booths. Finally thanks to Connie Hennessy, Kim Nguyen, Francis Yang, Nancy Lee, Anthony Fong, Buff Harding, Melany Castro and Tony Moir for their volunteer work through out the day.
Teacher Reassignments
Due to Ms. Adams’ pending retirement and to provide the best possible program for the West Portal students, there will be some changes to the general education teaching assignments for the 2008-2009 school year. Ms. McCue will replace Ms. Adams as one of our 1st grade teachers. Ms. Chiappellone will teach 5th grade. Mr. Hansell will be moving to 4th grade with the idea of remaining with those students through their fifth grade year in 2009-2010. Ms. Bernstein will continue as a fourth grade teacher. We will be hiring a new fifth grade teacher. I am excited about this change because I believe it will strengthen these grade level programs while maintaining the excellent academic and social experiences of all West Portal students. If you have any questions regarding this, let me know.
Will Lucey, Principal
Dear West Portal Parents/Guardians,
Congratulations to the Chinese Performing Arts Program; Winners AGAIN!!!
Through driving rain and wind the CPAP performed wonderfully during the Chinese New Years Parade on the night of February 23 rd. For the second year straight, they were awarded First Place in the Marching Unit Division. Many thanks go out to Coordinator Jennie Lee and all of the Parent Volunteers, alumni teachers and participants. The many students who participated in this yearly event should be both proud and honored to be apart of something so special. This event each year not only brings a sense of Chinese cultural appreciation but continues the tradition of a strong West Portal community.
Spring Festival is April 12 th 11:00 – 3:30PM
Please make sure to attend this event in that it showcases our arts programs at West Portal while also raising much needed funds for our school. Please see the attached flyer for more details regarding the event
The yearly State mandated STAR testing will take place from April 28th till May 16th. It is important that your child is at school on time during this testing period. Testing will be taking place in the morning each day. Please do not plan any long weekends, trips or morning appointments during this time. It is very important that we have all of our 2 nd-5 th grade students take these tests. A schedule of the testing times will be forth coming.
Garden Program Highlights
Please look at the back of this newsletter for information regarding our Environmental Garden Program.
Sincerely, Will Lucey, Principal
Dear Parent/Guardians of Pre-K Children,
Welcome all of the parents/guardians of the 2007-2008 West Portal kindergarten and Chinese Immersion kindergarten classes. There are three events planned that we would encourage you to attend.
Very Important: If you decide to change school for your child and that he/she will not be coming to West Portal in the Fall, please let us know as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation!
For further information and/or questions, please call Ms Hu, our school secretary, or me.
Thank you.
Kindergarten Teachers:
Room 3: Laurie Breisach
Room 4: Debbie Huysentruyt
Room 15: Kathy Callaghan
Room 14: Jennie Lee (Chinese Immersion)
Room 17: Winsome So (Chinese Immersion)
Resource Teachers:
Bert Dyer (Inclusion)
Dear West Portal Parents and Guardians,
Date |
Day |
2nd |
3rd |
4th & 5th |
April 23 |
Monday |
No Testing |
No Testing |
No Testing |
April 24 |
Tuesday |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST LA Pt 1 – 50 min. |
9-10:10 – CST LA Pt 1 – 50 min. 10:30 – 11:30 CST LA Pt 2 –50 min |
9-10:30 CST LA Pt 1 – 85 min. |
April 25 |
Wednesday |
9:10 – 10:00 CST LA Pt 2 – 50 min |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST LA Pt 3 – 50 min. |
9-10:30 CST LA Pt 2 – 85 min. |
April 26 |
Thursday |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST LA Pt 3 – 50 min. |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST Math Pt 1 – 50 min. |
9-10:30 CST Math Pt 1 – 75 min. |
April 27 |
Friday |
No Testing |
9:10 – 10:00 CST Math Pt 2 – 50 min |
9-10:30 CST Math Pt 2 – 75 min. |
April 30 |
Monday |
No Testing |
No Testing |
No Testing |
May 1 |
Tuesday |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST Math Pt 1 – 50 min. |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST Math Pt 3 – 50 min. |
9-10:30 CST Science Pt 1 – 70 min (5th grade only) |
May 2 |
Wednesday |
9:10 – 10:00 CST Math Pt 2 – 50 min |
9-10:30 CAT6 Reading Pt 1&2 – 90 min |
9-10:30 CST Science Pt 2 – 70 min (5th grade only) |
May 3 |
Thursday |
9:10 – 10:00 – CST Math Pt 3 – 50 min. |
9:10 – 10:00 CAT6 Math Pt 1 & 2– 50 min |
No Testing |
May 4 |
Friday |
Make-ups |
9:10 – 10:00 CAT6 Spelling – 25 min |
Make-Ups |
Activity |
Completion |
Elevator |
End of October |
Permanent Interior Handrails |
End of October |
Ramp from yard 1 to elevator corridor |
Middle of November |
Casework and sinks in rooms 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,14,20,22,23,24,25,26 |
Completed |
Casework and sinks in rooms 15, 17 and 18 |
End of October |
Exterior Drinking Fountains |
End of November |
Exterior Handrails |
Middle of November |
Activity |
Completion |
Elevator |
End of October |
Permanent Interior Handrails |
End of October |
Ramp from yard 1 to elevator corridor |
Middle of November |
Casework and sinks in rooms1,2,3,4 |
Middle of October |
Casework and sinks in Rooms 5 and 6 |
Middle of October |
Casework and sinks in rooms 15 and 17 |
Middle of October |
Case work and sinks in rooms 10,12,14,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 |
Middle of November |
Exterior Drinking Fountains |
Middle of October |
Exterior Handrails |
Middle of November |
August 30, 2006