Room Parent: Duties include: 1) within first few weeks of school create and distribute a classroom directory; 2) within first part of the year coordinate one informal get together for parents and students at a park, bowling alley or other fun location outside of school; 3) assist teacher in distributing important communications to parents either by phone or email; assist teacher with getting parent participation for parties and field trips; and 4) encourage parents to participate in school activities and fund raisers. (1-2 hours per month average – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
Classroom Volunteer: Regularly, assist your child’s teacher in the classroom on a designated day and time each week to be determined in advance. (1-4 hours per week – for more information contact your child’s teacher)
Scholastic Book Order Coordinator: In conjunction with the teacher, distribute, collect and submit Scholastic Book Orders. (1-2 hours per month average – for more information contact your child’s teacher)
Field Trip Chaperone: Volunteer to chaperone a field trip. (4-5 hours per field trip average – for more information contact your child’s teacher)
Special Class Project: Volunteer to lead or assist with a special class project such as cooking and/or art projects or a special research project. (4-10 hours depending upon the project – for more information contact your child’s teacher)
Tutoring: Work with a child or group of children on specific learning skills such as reading, math, spelling or computer skills. (1-4 hours per week – for more information contact your child’s teacher)
Reading Mentor: Work with a child or group of children on reading out load. (1-4 hours per week – for more information contact your child’s teacher or Erika Andrew)
Kinder Fun Day: Coordinator/s (preferably an outgoing Kindergarten parent) plans an informal get together for incoming kindergarteners and their families at West Portal Playground before school starts at the end of August. (5-10 hour commitment – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
Welcome Brunch: Coordinators/volunteers organize the First Day of School Welcome Brunch including ordering food, set-up and clean up. (4-5 hour commitment – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
Pumpkin Patch: Committee Coordinators order merchandize, solicit bake sale items, set prices and coordinate volunteers. (10-15 hour commitment – for more information contact Kelley Carlin).
- Sales volunteers on the day of the event assist children with selecting items, counting money and making change. (1-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Kelley Carlin)
Halloween Carnival: Committee Coordinators include: 1) the Artistic Director(s) responsible for design and layout of games and themes; 2) Food Coordinator responsible for food and bake sales; and 3) Volunteer Coordinator responsible for soliciting and coordinating student and parent volunteers. (15-30 hour commitment – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
- Event Volunteers help set up, clean up and staff game, bake sale and food booths. (2-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
Scholastic Book Fair: Coordinators are responsible for staffing and publicizing event, assisting students with book selection, coordinating class visits, with teachers and selecting books for sale. (For more information contact Connie Wong)
- Event Volunteers assist students with book selection and staff the sales table and cash register. (1-2 hour commitment – form more information contact Connie Wong)
Holiday Craft Fair: Craft Fair Coordinator is responsible for organizing holiday craft fair including soliciting and collecting crafts and volunteers to staff sales tables. (15-20 hour commitment – for more information contact Catherine Kahookele)
- Event volunteers staff sales tables and volunteer crafters create craft items for sale (2-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Catherine Kahookele)
Spring Arts Festival: Committee Coordinators include: 1) Artistic Director responsible for display and coordination of student art projects; 2) Raffle Coordinator responsible for distribution and collection of raffle tickets and prizes; 3) Student Art Auction coordinator responsible for coordination student artwork silent auction; 4) Entertainment Coordinator responsible for coordination of games and performances,; and 5) Food Sales Coordinator responsible for food and bake sales during event. 15-30 hour commitment – for more information contact Petra Nygard
- Classroom Art Project Leaders work with students to create class art projects to be auctioned at the Arts Festival. (10-15 hour commitment – for more information contact Petra Nygard)
- Event volunteers staff game and food sale booths and help with set-up and clean up. (2-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Petra Nygard)
Adult Casino Night and Auction: Committee Coordinators include: 1) the Artistic Director responsible for theme, decorations and event location coordination; 2) Auction Coordinator(s) responsible solicitation of items for silent auction and auction management on night of event; 3) Entertainment Coordinator responsible for coordination and planning of entertainment activities and performers; and 4) Food Coordinator responsible for food and beverages for event. (15-30 hour commitment – for more information contact Annette Litle)
- Event volunteers help with set-up and clean up, staff casino tables, bar and food stations. (2-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Annette Litle)
Spring Musical: Production Coordinator is responsible for working with teachers to ensure teachers receive the support they need in coordinating all rehearsals, auditions, performances and back stage help. (20-30 hour commitment – for more information contact Erika Andrew) Other Committee Coordinators include: 1)Volunteer Coordinator responsible for staffing sales tables at performances, coordinating back stage volunteers and videographers; 2) Make-up Coordinator is responsible for working with teachers to design and purchase make-up for cast members; 3) Costume Coordinator is responsible for working with teachers to design and purchase costumes for cast members; and 4) Cast Party Coordinator responsible for coordination of food and entertainment for cast party. (15-20 hour commitment – for more information contact Erika Andrew)
- Performance volunteers are responsible for staffing sales tables, kid wrangling and make-up for shows. (2-4 hour commitment – for more information contact Erika Andrew)
Sales: Coordinator is responsible for overseeing year round sale
of sweatshirts and for working with event coordinators to facilitate
sales of shirts at Carnivals and Festival. (15-10 hours commitment –
for more information Dawn Silberstein)
Tops: Coordinator solicits and collects box tops and submits
them for reimbursement. (10-15 hour commitment – for more
information leave a message in the office for Vivian Jiang)
Coordinator solicits and signs-up eScrip participants. (10-15 hour
Printer Cartridge/Cell Phone Recycling: Coordinator collects and arranges for recycling of used printer cartridges and cell phones. (1 hour per month – for information contact Dawn Silberstein)
Knitting Club: Volunteers assist in teaching knitting during lunchtime meetings and for soliciting donations of knitting supplies. (1-5 hour commitment per month – for more information contact Erika Andrew)
Chinese New Year Parade: Executive Parade Coordinator(s): is responsible overall coordination of all performing arts groups, submission forms and communication with Chinese Camber of Commerce, coordinating fundraising performances throughout the year and reviewing and approving all parade expenditures including costumes or props. (45-60 hour commitment – for more information contact Jennie Lee)
Parent Coordinators for individual performing arts groups are responsible for taking attendance at rehearsals, assisting instructors with behavior issues during rehearsals, coordinating rehearsal snacks if desired, distributing and collecting costumes, collecting and returning costume deposits, marching in the parade with their group’s supply pack, and communicating with Executive Parade Coordinator. (20-40 hour commitment – for more information contact Jennie Lee)
arts groups include: Banner holders, Drummers, Ribbon Dancers, Fan
Dancers, Lion Dancers, Stilt Walkers and Dragon Runners.
Message Folders: Join the message folder crew stuffing those important messages into the student folders from 8:45 to 10:30 every Wednesday morning in the teacher’s lounge. (For more information contact Jennie Lee)
Copying: Volunteer to copy announcements for the message folders. (1-2 hours every Monday or Tuesday – for more information contact Jennie Lee)
Lunch Yard Duty: Supervise children during their lunch hour. This is either a volunteer or paid position. (1-2 hours every school day – for more information contact Will Lucey, Principal)
Library Assistant: Volunteer in the school or CIP library at a specific time each week. (1-4 hours per week – for more information leave a message in the school office for Amy Mack)
Office Assistant: Assist with clerical work in the office. (For more information contact Anna Hu, School Office Administrator)
Translator/Interpreter: Provide interpreting or translation services in languages other than English at school events or for written announcements. (For more information Dawn Silberstein)
Traffic Greeter: Greeters assist with the loading and unloading of children on Lenox and Claremont during the first few months of school. (1-5 hours per week – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
School Clean-Up Day Volunteer: Help clean out closets and storage rooms, remove trash and litter from school grounds and perform minor maintenance repairs. (1-4 hour per event – for more information contact Will Lucey, Principal)
Gardening Day Volunteer: Help with planting, weeding and general garden maintenance. (1-4 hour per event – for more information leave a message in the school office for Amy Mack)
Web Page Maintenance: Volunteers up-date and maintain the West Portal Web Page and on-line calendar. (3-7 hours per month – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
West Portal Parents Club Board: Meetings are held in the library at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of the Month. Meetings are open to all West Portal Parents/Guardians and childcare is provided; however, only board members may vote.
Arts Committee Volunteer: Assist with special art projects either during class time or at lunchtime and after school. (1-4 hours per month – for more information contact Petra Nygard)
Greening Committee: Committee meets monthly to plan and coordinate major landscaping projects and to coordinate and assist teachers with smaller classroom projects. (3-10 hours per month – for more information leave a message in the school office for Amy Mack)
Technology Committee: Committee members assist with computer maintenance and other technology issues throughout the school. (3-5 hours per month – for more information contact Buff Harding)
Grants Committee: Committee members work together to locate, draft, edit and apply for grants. (1-15 hours per month depending upon level of participation – for more information contact Brewster Fong)
Ed Fund Committee: Committee members work together to draft the annual Ed Fund Solicitation Letter and to increase participation in the Ed Fund by all West Portal families. (1-10 hour commitment – for more information contact Dawn Silberstein)
English Language Learner Advisory Committee (ELLAC): Members identify needs of English language learners and work with the School Site Council to help meet those needs. (For more information contact Will Lucey, Principal)
Performing Arts Committee: Members work together to develop,
coordinate and facilitate the Chinese Performing Arts Program. (For
more information see the Chinese Performing Arts Program Section
meeting and make a presentation. (For more information on
getting on the Board agenda, Contact Dawn Silberstein)
Anna Hu, School Office Administrator
Vivian Jiang (leave message in office mailbox)