West Portal Elementary School
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West Portal Elementary School
West Portal Elementary School
Parents Club

Meet Our Librarians

Amy Mack: Amy has been working at West Portal Elementary Library for the past five years. She is committed to keeping the library alive and active, and she brings a strong background in inter-disciplinary studies. Amy has a love for Native American studies, gardening, and literature.

Colette Lafia: Colette is the new Proposition H librarian and joined West Portal school in Fall, 2006. Colette is a credentialed SFUSD teacher with experience in literacy development and children’s literature. Colette is passionate about instilling the love of reading and books into children’s lives.

Library Mission

The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students effectively learn how use the library and cultivate a passion for reading. During library time, students will have the opportunity to hear quality literature read aloud, learn library skills, and engage in research. The librarians work directly with teachers to create an integrated program.

About Proposition H

Prop H is funding librarians for every elementary school in SFUSD. Library programs are part of the SLAM (Sports, Libraries, Art, and Music) third of city funding for the enrichment of San Francisco school students. Read more about Prop H on the San Francisco Unified School district website at www.sfusd.edu (http://portal.sfusd.edu/template/default.cfm?page=initiatives.prop_h)

San Francisco Public Library
Online Resources at the San Francisco Public Library

Discover the many resources of the SF public library.

Student Resources: (http://www.sfpl.org/sfplonline/dbcategories.htm) Click here and scroll down to bottom of the page to Student Resources to find useful information and resources for students.


Volunteers are always appreciated

Volunteers can help in the library in a number of ways:

= help keep books organized on the shelves

= help keep the card catalog up- to-date

= assist during classroom time

Volunteers can work on a weekly basis or as available. Contact Colette or Amy to get involved by dropping by the library from 9 – 2 pm, Monday through Friday.

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This page last updated March 26, 2007
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