West Portal Elementary School
West Portal Elementary School West Portal School West Portal Elementary School
About the School West Portal Elementary School Staff Pages West Portal Elementary School Calendar
West Portal Elementary School
West Portal Elementary School
Parents Club

West Portal Auction
Honorary Committee

Senator Jackie Speier
California State Senate

Assemblymember Wilma Chan
California State Assembly

Assemblymenber Fiona Ma
California State Assembly

Supervisor Aaron Peskin
District 3 Supervisor,
Board President,

San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Ross Mirkarmi
District 5 Supervisor,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Sean Elsbernd
District 7 Supervisor,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Bevan Dufty
District 8 Supervisor,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Tom Ammiano
District 9 Supervisor,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Sofie Maxwell
District 10 Supervisor,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Commissioner Eddie Chin, J.D.
San Francisco Board of Education

Commissioner Dr. Dan Kelly, M.D.
San Francisco Board of Education

Commissioner Sarah Lipson
Board Vice President
San Francisco Board of Education

Commissioner Jill Wynns
San Francisco Board of Education

Commissioner Eric Mar, Esq.
San Francisco Board of Education
To the West Portal community from Commissioner Mar:
Go West Portal Panthers!

Congratulations on your ongoing academic successes and for serving as a model school for our district -

•  with a strong inclusive education program

•  your 22-year-old 2-way Chinese immersion program, the first program of its kind the United States

•  your outstanding parent's club,

•  and the supportive afterschool programs and partnerships you have built with your community.

With Mr. Lucey, all the teachers and staff, you are truly a model community school for our district!

Eric Mar
San Francisco Board of Education

West Portal Spring Arts Festival and Fundraiser!

Date:  April 25, 2009

Time:  11:00am - 4:30pm

Location:  West Portal School

What: International food, carnival, student performances and artwork, raffle and silent and live auctions.

Preview the exciting Online Auction Catalog to see items up for bid during the silent auction.


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This page last updated March 16, 2009