West Portal Elementary School
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West Portal Elementary School
West Portal Elementary School
Parents Club

The Mission of West Portal Elementary is to provide a supportive, nurturing, lifelong learning community for children and adults, to enable students to be self-directed achievers, reaching their full potential by gaining a knowledge base and finding joy and value in learning in a rich, meaning-centered, hands-on, rigorous curriculum in an active learning environment.

When families are involved in the education of their children, not only do their children benefit, but all the children in the school, and sometimes district, benefit. Decades of research show that when families are involved meaningfully in the school and in their child’s education, more students succeed at all grade levels and across racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Effective family involvement also has proven links to excellent schools – high teacher morale, positive relationships in the community and improved student performance.

West Portal Parents Club
Welcomes New Families to Join the Board

The West Portal Parents Club serves as an important vehicle for channeling family involvement in the school. A Fall survey gathers information from parents/guardians, their skills and areas of volunteer interest. Keeping track of the resources families and the community can offer ensures that contributions of time and materials (paper, computers, etc.) can be directed to where they will have the greatest impact. Families are also encouraged to support our annual fund-raising drive by making a tax-deductible contribution. These funds are used exclusively for West Portal supplies, activities and programs.

About the West Portal Parents Club

Parents Club Business Meetings are the first Thursday of every month, 6:30pm, in the Teacher’s Lunchroom (at the opposite end of the hall from the Main Office). We make our best effort to distribute/post the agenda and meeting minutes in a timely manner. All are welcome. If you need an interpreter in a language other than English, let us know ahead of time.

Purpose of the West Portal Parents Club

The West Portal Parents Club is committed to organizing activities that promote and enrich the learning experience of West Portal Elementary School students, including activities to enhance family involvement in their child’s education. The West Portal Parents Club recognizes the importance of family involvement and encourages its family members to get involved at various levels of participation and decision-making.

How is the Parents Club different from the PTA or other parent groups?

Unlike the PTA, there are no dues to be a member. The West Portal Parents Club is an independent, nonprofit, public benefit corporation that is guided by a set of bylaws created by and for its members.

Structure of the West Portal Parents Club

Though all West Portal parents are welcome to participate in any Parents Club-sponsored event or meeting, only board members can vote on Parents Club business, including how the Parents Club sets its spending priorities. West Portal parent members elect the Board of Directors for a 1-year term in April of every school year. The Board elects its officers at the May business meeting.

How do you join the board?

It’s easy to become a member! Just come to three meetings in a row, and at the third meeting, a board member will motion for you to join the board. The board meetings follow the standard Robert's Rules of Order. You can read more about those at www.robertsrules.com.

How can you communicate with the Board or various committees?

If you have a question, concern or comment, you can:

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This page last updated April 16, 2007