To effectively spread knowledge and information to the public and to provide an educational platform to raise awareness about global warming and potential solutions to it, the Foundation will host the following types of events.
Town Hall Meetings. The Foundation will conduct Town Hall-style meetings to connect community members and provide a forum for the sharing of emissions-reducing ideas and solutions. Town Hall Meetings are generally open to the public and will be advertised in local newspapers.
Speaker Events. The Foundation has hosted and will continue to host Speaker Events, at which it will sponsor experts in the fields of global warming and climate control to lecture on scientific research, advancements, and emerging technologies to curb global warming. Speaker Events are typically, though not always, open to the public and are advertised through local newspapers and radio announcements. To date, the Foundation has held one Speaker Event, in May, 2006. For the May, 2006 event, the Foundation invited a panel of experts to discuss clean energy solutions. This event was by invitation only and included approximately 300 attendees. This program continues an activity previously conducted by the founders of the Foundation in their personal capacity. In December of 2005, shortly before the formal creation of the Foundation, the founders hosted a Speaker Event featuring Vice President Al Gore. The Foundation plans to continue to host these kinds of Speaker Events.
Leadership Events. The Foundation will coordinate and host Leadership Events and invite experts in climate issues to present ideas and information to leaders of the Silicon Valley business community. The Foundation’s objective will be to foster an open dialogue between technology, business, and scientific leaders in the community. A Leadership Event is planned for January, 2007. Similar to the Speaker Events, this program continues an activity previously conducted by the founders of the Foundation in their personal capacity. Following the December, 2005 Speaker Event, the founders hosted an invitation-only Leadership Event with approximately 50 business leaders from Silicon Valley.
Information Dissemination. The Foundation will disseminate high-level, high-quality information about global warming to carefully selected audiences. The Foundation’s objective is to raise awareness about the current climate crisis and inspire people into action. Specific education projects may include (i) distribution of global warming documentaries to churches, schools, and community institutions across the country; (ii) funding school curriculum concerning sustainable living; and (iii) collaborating with other nonprofit educational centers to develop exhibits to teach their audiences about global warming. The Foundation has partnered with the Regeneration Project, an interfaith religious group to distribute and show global warming documentaries to wide range or audiences. In 2007, the 11th Hour Project will work with The California Academy of Sciences to develop exhibits about climate change and sustainable living for their new building in San Francisco.